The National Custom and Self Build Association (NaCSBA) is the voice of the Custom and Self-build housing sector. Our mission is to make Custom and Self-build a mainstream choice for everyone seeking a home of their own.
We influence • We educate • We promote

We influence
The UK is an outlier among developed nations with regards to the low level of customer-commissioned new homes that are currently built. Custom and Self-build can deliver more and better homes that more people aspire to live in and that communities are happier to see built. NaCSBA lobbies to shape policy and legislation with regards to custom and self build, across the UK.
We educate
Our websites provide help and advice for the professional sector, consumers and local authority planners.
Members’ site
The industry-focused hub for our members, with news and information about policy, lobbying and more. @nacsba
Self Build Portal
Our consumer website, with news and advice for anyone wanting an owner-commissioned home. @selfbuildportal
Right to Build Task Force
A NaCSBA initiative offering planning guidance and advice to local authority planning and housing teams. @righttobuildTF
We promote
As well as working to grow the sector, at our heart we are a member organisation, and we work to create more and better opportunities for our members. We do this in a variety of ways:
Campaigning about the barriers to growth in custom and self build, for its members and the entire sector.
Research & data
Commissioning statistics and data on the sector, which it uses to evidence the value of the sector.
Custom build group
Our Custom Build Developer group meets to share issues and identify solutions, via policy or best practice.
The Self Build Portal website educates consumers with an objective source of information and advice.
Creating more opportunities for owner-commissioned homes to be developed, working with government and other industry organisations.
Working nationally and regionally to support and reflect our members’ concerns and share their successes.
Our Code of Practice offers trust to both members and their customers should communications break down.
We campaign for better practice by local authorities around the managing and evidencing of their local Self Build Registers.
Our pledge to members
NaCSBA commits to work on behalf of its members to:
- Grow the custom, self build and community-led housing sector,
- Create more opportunities for consumers and professionals,
- Be a trusted voice in the industry,
- Share data, insights and best practice with members,
- Give a voice to our members through delivering their views, needs and opinions to national and local Government
Self Build Demand Assessment tool
The Right to Build Task Force and housing and planning consultancy Three Dragons have developed a model for measuring potential demand for Custom and Self-build at a district or area level for local authorities. This supplements the short-term evidence provided by local Self-build Registers and can be used to inform planning policy, including local plans, and as evidence of demand at Examination.