National Custom and Self Build Association Press Releases

NaCSBA press releases


10 July 2023 Richard Bacon launches an update to his review into scaling up custom and self build at NaCSBA’s Parliamentary reception

30 October 2022 NaCSBA acts against inappropriate actions by councils to limit people from signing their local self build Register
Read the letter

8 October 2022 No more “Grand Designs” in Solihull following shameful council action against better and cheaper homes 

24 June ‘Help to Build’ opens, together with wider support for custom and self build

23 June Guide: What is Self And Custom Build

17 May Custom and self build leads the way in adoption of sustainability and MMC, finds NaCSBA’s Custom and Self Build Market Report 2022

26 November 2021 Help to Build prospectus released – now is the time for business to get launch ready

23 August 2021 Bacon Review identifies custom and self build as ‘missing market’ in housing

24 April 2021 (professional) – New £150 million ‘Help to Build’ scheme for consumers and an Action Plan to boost custom and self build delivery

24 April 2021 (consumer) – £150 million ‘Help to Build’ scheme will help more people create a self or custom build home

12 February – Updated Planning Practice Guidance for Self-build and Custom Housebuilding will support greater housing delivery

25 November 2020 – Help to Build set to transform custom and self build in 2021

30 October 2020 – One in three people are interested in self build, but being able to finance it remains the biggest barrier

11 September 2020 – Housing Diversification – New Housing Diversification group calls for substantive government action

6 August 2020 – Planning for the Future planning reform consultation supports custom build and self build

Press Enquiries

To contact NaCSBA or the Right to Build Task Force about media please email with MEDIA REQUEST in the subject matter.

Contact by email.

NaCSBA Members Newsletters

Check out our recent newsletters for news and updates on our activities and the sector in general.

Official responses and consultations

NaCSBA frequently responds to call for evidence in consultations and feeds its expertise into national and local debates. These are available to members in the Library area, but a summary of recent activity is shown here.

  • Prudential Regulatory Authority letter
  • Competition and Markets Authority Market Study
  • NPPF Response
  • Consumer Spending Review Submission
  • Planning for the Future White Paper Consultation
  • Consumer Spending Review Submission
  • and more…