Policy & guidance

‘Decent and affordable homes for all: five proposals for a ...


The Nationwide Foundation charity has launched its five proposals for a fairer housing system, outlining five recommendations for the new government with the collective potential to overhaul the current failing ...

Labour proposes new ‘Grey Belt’ as route to building on ...


Labour's house building vision proposes a new 'Grey Belt' category for parts of the Green Belt as route to releasing land for housing ...

Revised National Planning Policy Framework supports small sites ...


Revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2023) supports small sites for custom and self build, among a host of other measures ...

NaCSBA Conference 2023 – overview ...


NaCSBA's second annual conference at the NSBRC was a packed day of insight and data to reflect the current custom and self build market ...

LABC Warranty wants your views on the 15 year warranty ...


LABC Warranty wants your views on the 15 year warranty for new homes, which the Building Safety Act makes provision for ...

Latest custom and self build data shows reduction in planning ...


Government has published the latest data for custom and self build in England based on council returns for 2021-2022, which shows a decline in permissions granted. This is in spite ...

Government responds to biodiversity net gain consultation ...


Under changes to the planning system in England, from November 2023 Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) will require most housebuilding companies to add 10% more wildlife and habitat to land they ...

Petersfield neighbourhood plan allocation feeds through into self-build plots ...


A ground-breaking Petersfield Neighbourhood Plan allocation is feeding through into self-build plots at Reservoir Lane ...

Passive standard benchmark set for all new Scottish housing ...


Scotland has passed a Bill that calls for all new housing to be to a passive standard, to come into effect by 2024 ...

National Planning Policy Framework consultation launched ...


The National Planning Policy Framework prospectus has been launched – your chance to have your say on the emerging policy ...