Government & policy

‘Decent and affordable homes for all: five proposals for a ...


The Nationwide Foundation charity has launched its five proposals for a fairer housing system, outlining five recommendations for the new government with the collective potential to overhaul the current failing ...

Labour proposes new ‘Grey Belt’ as route to building on ...


Labour's house building vision proposes a new 'Grey Belt' category for parts of the Green Belt as route to releasing land for housing ...

CMA Housebuilding Market Study – NaCSBA responds ...


NaCSBA find that custom and self build is under served by the market in its response to the CMA Housebuilding Market Study ...

Mandatory BNG goes live for major sites ...


Mandatory biodiversity net gain has gone live for major sites, although small custom and self build sites are exempt ...

TCPA White Paper sets ouf vision for housing delivery ...


The Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) has set out its vision for improved housing delivery in its White Paper ...

Community land trusts strengthened by NPPF 2023 ...


Community Land Trusts strengthened by the National Planning Policy Framework 2023 with a new community-led exception site policy ...

Planning fee increases and changes ...


New planning fee increase and changes to the planning guarantee have come into effect, for all applications ...

Revised National Planning Policy Framework supports small sites ...


Revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2023) supports small sites for custom and self build, among a host of other measures ...

Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill becomes law as LURA ...


With effect from 26 October, the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill passed into law, as the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023 (LURA). However, the final version of the Act ...

Government plan proposes to unblock nutrients neutrality stalled sites ...


The Housing Secretary Michael Gove is to scrap Natural England‘s requirement to block housing in areas polluted by Nutrients Neutrality. Gove announced the significant deregulation of the rules around Nutrients ...