2022 Self Build survey

Closing 11 April!

The National Custom And Self Build Association has launched the first annual survey of self builders, aiming to capture data around the owner-commissioned homes market for anyone that has completed their project in the last five years.

From the Bacon Review of 2020 to the recently published Places for People Economic Review of Self Build and Custom Housebuilding, the need for data to reflect activity is paramount, so we are calling on NaCSBA members to help spread the word to compile this valuable information.

NaCSBA is working with government to make self or custom building easier in the UK, and collating information about what people are choosing and spending on is vital to this.

We would love you to share the survey with your databases, on your social media channels or with other companies you work with. 

The information gathered will be invaluable to NaCSBA, and will be fed into a report of the sector that’s free to members, available later this summer.

For the self builders themselves, the survey takes around 10 minutes and all responses will remain confidential. We realise that this is a big ask, but we know that self builders love sharing their experiences, and as an added incentive we’re giving five respondents – chosen at random – a £100 John Lewis voucher each!

Please distribute the survey among your customers and previous customers – who are most likely to be the target audience as we only need to hear from people who have completed a self build within the last 5 years.

Please share the link to the survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/NaCSBA2022

You can find the graphic and editorial for your newsletter/website on Dropbox.

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