The Right to Build Task Force needs the help of NaCSBA members to support it to compile data on custom or self build on multi-plot sites of three or more homes.
With its remit to support the delivery of custom and self build opportunities in England, the Task Force is compiling data on activity to inform this work. Compiling data on these multi-plot developments will create a map of activity that is helpful, as, with time, it will start to populate a map of activity that can be compared to maps of policy support.
NaCSBA members are uniquely positioned to help it with this work, as you will be involved in, or aware of, many such sites.
Please complete the very short form below telling it about sites with three plots or more, or share the form URL with other stakeholders or planners that you work with. The intention is to collate data on sites that are in planning (OPP or DPP), under construction or completed within the last 5 years.
No need to tell it about Graven Hill, but for the first wave of data please do add any sites you might be aware of to ensure they are on our radar.
We realise that you are busy but five minutes or your time will support us with our work and is gratefully appreciated, and the data is anonymous so we won’t even need an email address.
Fill in the form if you are a:
- Landowner or promoter
- Planner – in local government or private practice
- Housebuilder
- Developer
- Custom Build Enabler
- Architect
- Members of community group
- Local politician
- Self builder or would-be self builder