New homes in Lincolnshire

NaCSBA’s Head of Policy Andrew Baddeley-Chappell has submitted NaCSBA’s response to the Department of Levelling-Up, Communities and Housing (DLUCH) for its consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

In the response Baddeley-Chappell sets out NaCSBA’s position on the proposed changes, and frames the points in the context of the Levelling-Up and Regeneration Bill.

In summary:

  1. The NPPF should contain an explicit reference to the Right to Build legislation and the need for the duties under the legislation to be met. Specifically, this should underline its importance when planning for new homes, and should give substantial weight to custom and self build as a material consideration in planning.
  2. The NPPF should set out a targeted exception and windfall site policy through which the duty under the legislation can be met. This should explicitly reference unplanned housing sites in rural areas and on sites adjacent to existing settlements.
  3. Such sites should be permitted as minor changes to local plans through a streamlined process. In other words such sites should not be prevented through the formality of the infrequent plan review process (which operates to a different cycle to the Right to Build).
  4. The small sites policy should be strengthened, performance and diversification must be monitored, and Councils should be required to increase the current level back towards historical norms. Custom and Self Build should be specifically referenced in this area, and a target should be set unless market demand (not solely Register demand) can be shown to be met.
  5. The planning process should provide an explicit route whereby the requirement for beauty on a custom and self build site can be delivered through a design code (and plot passport) approach.
  6. The NPPF should clarify the ways through which community-led developments can benefit from the Right to Build.

The full consultation response is available in the Members area

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available in the Members’ Area of the Library.

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