During our recent AGM – held on 17th June at the National Self Build & Renovation Centre in Swindon – we officially announced three new additions to our Executive Committee.

We welcome Michael Vennard who was elected to the role of Finance Representative – Michael is the Mortgages Strategy Manager for Lloyds Banking Group. Plus, we introduce Robert Burford who was elected to the role of Collective Custom Build Representative – during a sixteen year career, Robert has successfully promoted and managed over thirty collective custom build or self build groups. And we confirm that Mark Stevenson has been elected to the role of Suppliers & Manufacturers Representative – Mark has over 26 years experience in the construction industry and is currently the Managing Director of Potton.

At this time, we take the opportunity to thank outgoing Committee Representatives Paul Broadhead and Cany Ash for their valuable contributions over the past year and we wish them well for the future.

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