Taking on the role of Acting Head of the Task Force for the last leg of Maternity Cover for Bryony Harrington brings with it another busy quarter as we lead up to the New Year and our work in early 2022.

This Autumn sees an exciting schedule of events with our new Masterclasses, covering topics in greater depth with an array of speakers all with different perspective and experiences to share.

These include the following;

  • 14 October – Plot Passports and Design Codes
  • 11 November – Counting Plots and monitoring registers
  • 2 December – Decision Making / Development Management: S106 and conditions; CIL
  • Early 2022 – Exploring Delivery Models (detail on strategic sites, affordable, percentage plots, custom multi-plot, urban regeneration)
  • Spring 2022 – Self / Custom Build Appeals  Evidence
  • Summer 2022 – Community-led housing; Affordable housing and engaging with RPs

Developing the Task Force expert team

To help deliver our specialist masterclasses and to help grow the Right to Build Task Force brand of specialist technical experts, we have been busy recruiting to ensure that we stay ahead of the curve. To find out more about our experts visit the Task Force website.

We have seen some excellent candidates, and have selected two new experts to broaden our offering. So we are delighted to welcome Katie Warrington, with current local authority experience working as a self-build officer managing LPA contracts and release of Council owned land, and Julian Owen, an experienced and innovative architect and author.

In addition, we have also just appointed three new advisory sector specialists to join the Task Force on special projects, Charlie Laing, Gus Zogolovitch, and Adrian Spawforth.

All three are experienced professionals who bring a high level of commercial insight and knowledge, particularly in respect of master planning, project delivery and viability procurement on-site delivery, quality, cost control, completion and in-use issues such as building performance, maintenance and quality.

The RTB Task Force comprises a team with an excellent range of professional skills and work experience covering both theory and practice with technical excellence, expertise, knowledge and a robust understanding of all aspects the CSB and the sector.

Local authority network group

We are also looking to launch our first dedicated networking group for local authority Self Build Officers. The concept of the new group is to facilitate engagement and shared experiences within planning authorities with self-build officers benefiting from increased knowledge, best practise and expertise.

In turn this will help planning authorities to achieve cohesive support for officers. Ultimately the knock on effect will be to help the custom and self build sector become more robust in its continued growth.

There are also other interesting developments which we will bring forward this Autumn and Winter, the details of which will be announced in due course. Additionally, an ongoing theme will be to continue to act on the excellent Bacon Review and its recommendations, helping to promote and bring those to fruition.

There is consequently and perhaps more than ever, a strong sense of optimism. We await the launch of the Help To Build scheme with anticipation of applications being open later this autumn and the Right to Build legislation review concluding.

We also welcome the second round of the Self and Custom Build Fund, managed by One Public Estate. This represents yet another opportunity for local authorities to bid for funds to unlock land in their ownership, with this round seeing a further £20 million designated to help accelerate the self and custom build sector. The window for applying is tight, with bids due on 8 November.

The Task Force looks forward to sharing our continued progress with NaCSBA members. This is however, only achievable with your support, so please do spread the word. This helps NaCSBA attract more supporters to the cause as the stronger its membership, the more opportunity to strengthen its voice to promote, influence and educate.

There is much more that can be achieved!

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