Site plan for custom build

Lone Star Group and Tetlow King have secured outline planning permission for 10 custom homes in Wellesbourne, Stratford-Upon-Avon (Planning ref: 22/00182/OUT) on land promoted on the (then) emerging site allocations plan.

Originally, the site was a draft allocation for 14 self and custom build homes, with the eventual scheme submitted by NaCSBA member Lone Star being for 10 homes to mitigate landscape impact while providing BioDiversity Net Gain of 11.8% on site.

Consultant Tetlow King Planning secured the permission, with the application dating back to January 2022, with a series of amendments taken in to address statutory consultees’ concerns.

The final scheme was presented to committee without any in-principal objection or outstanding technical objections.

Tetlow King argued that the statutory duty to meet the local self build register demand was a different test to that of the five-year housing land supply, but that the council was falling short in meeting this duty. This, it stated, outweighed the technical conflict with the Core Strategy and Neighbourhood Plan. While the emerging plan had policies that were supportive of custom and self build, the adopted Development Plan did not.

This argument resulted in ‘significant weight’ being given to the shortfall in serviced plot permissions to reflect demand on the register, saying that, on balance, the principle of development was acceptable.

Lone Star offers land promotion, planning and development services, with a special interest in multi-plot serviced plots sites for custom and self build.

Read about Tetlow King’s win for ‘Very Special Circumstances’ 

Plan by PAD

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