Tomas Millar, Gavin Deichen, Charlie De Bono, Richard Bacon

LivedIn and NaCSBA have collaborated on the creation or a digital tool to analyse the Right to Build Registers data. The tool provides a simple-to-use visual representation of the demand and plot supply data for the self and custom build housing industry across every local authority in England.

The tool was launched at NaCBSA’s recent Parliamentary reception hosted by Richard Bacon, with the LivedIn team in attendance (above,  L-R: Tomas Millar of LivedIn, Developer Gavin Deichen, Charlie De Bono of Lived in and Richard Bacon)

Hosted by specialist custom build company Lived-in on its website, the Right to Build Analysis Tool uses the national data compiled by government as its source. This data in itself is imperfect, as it is compiled by local authorities themselves, detailing numbers on their registers and the number of plots awarded for each base period, and data gathering practices vary considerably.

While the Right to Build is aimed at growing the number of self-commissioned homes in England, to date it has failed to deliver a notable increase in numbers. Consequently, demand has not been met, and access to the Registers has become increasingly difficult due to the introduction of barriers to entry, such as local connection test and charges.

NaCSBA and LivedIn will continue to build on the tool, empowering the sector through better data stories to support the delivery of self and custom build.

Try the data-visualisation register tool

The register tool

The digital tool’s landing page features a map of England with a colour-coded summary of each relevant authority. A traffic-light system identifies authorities that are fulfilling their duties and those that are failing in their duty, with the rating system taking into account the accuracy and robustness of each authority’s data.

The register tool allows users to select a specific authority, to obtain a detailed overview of their data, together with the tool’s own interpretation of the data.

This creates a graphic visualisation of the data to support users to understand performance and gaps in both legislation and guidance and provision.



Drill down data

The register tool provides a detailed visual representation of the data for each council, and could be used by a range of users, including:

  • Self builders checking local demand and plots supply;
  • Planning applicants looking to support their planning application;
  • Local authority planning officers and appeal inspectors looking to understand the numbers for an authority;
  • Local authority policy makers looking to undertake research; and
  • Industry professionals looking for better understanding of the market.


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