Report on the latest self/custom build meeting with DCLG ...


Last week, NaCSBA Chair Michael Holmes and I visited the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) for an update meeting on self and custom building. Both continue to feature ...

The outcomes of a recent session on regulations affecting housebuilding ...


Last Tuesday (1st September) I was invited to a housing workshop at the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) along with major players in the housebuilding industry. The session ...

NaCSBA sponsors the Build It Awards 2015 ...


NaCSBA is continually lobbying both local and national government to remove the barriers that prevent so many people from building an individual home in the UK. Some councils are far ...

Self Build on a Shoestring 2015 ...


The original self/custom build design challenge! A unique ideas competition, run in collaboration with Grand Designs Live (GDL), open to all, where you have to design homes that can be ...

Just 50 days left to submit designs for the ultimate ...


The countdown has begun to the deadline for this year’s Self Build on a Shoestring competition. The 2015 ideas competition is looking for designs for an innovative ‘self build’ starter home ...

Many councils are taking action to boost private homebuilding ...


The Research & Development team has masterminded the first comprehensive survey of custom and self build activity across all English local authorities – and the findings have revealed that more ...

Custom build presentation at GLA event ...


I was kindly offered the opportunity to present at a Greater London Authority (GLA) organised event last Monday (29th June) – designed to promote custom build to developers and local ...

Different approaches to supporting group projects… But which is best? ...


We’ve just returned from a 1900 mile, five day marathon around The Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany, where we saw around a dozen diverse projects and met with a range ...

Welcoming the new additions to our Executive Committee ...


During our recent AGM – held on 17th June at the National Self Build & Renovation Centre in Swindon – we officially announced three new additions to our Executive Committee. ...

Digitising Custom Build takes shape ...


On behalf of NaCSBA, I’m pleased to announce further information about ‘Digitising Custom Build’ – a new project set to develop digital methods and tools that will help custom builders ...