Exploring how architects can stimulate self and custom build ...


NaCSBA’s outgoing Collective Custom Build Representative Cany Ash and I recently met with members of the RIBA Housing Group to start to explore the important role that architects can play ...

The Right to Build and the ‘Housing Bill’ ...


NaCSBA welcomes the announcement in yesterday’s Queens Speech about progressing the Right to Build, which enables people wanting to build their own home to request a building plot from their ...

Further thoughts on the Right to Build ...


We expect the Government will announce its intention to introduce further legislation on The Right to Build in this parliament, going beyond the demand register which received Royal Assent earlier ...

Our latest study visit to Germany ...


Our latest study visit took us to Hamburg, Potsdam and Berlin in mid-May – these three cities that are leading the way on innovative collective custom build solutions. The main ...

The Conservatives’ Plans for the UK Housing Market ...


As the Conservatives establish a majority Government, what does this mean for the custom and self build industry? The General Election result confirms that the Conservatives will be leading the ...

Introducing the revised Construction and Design Management (CDM) 2015 Regulations ...


The introduction of the revised Construction and Design Management (CDM) 2015 Regulations took many of us by surprise as they were not widely trailed, particularly amongst the self build world; ...

The ‘Digitising Custom Build Project’ and alternative VAT/stamp duty structures ...


I can report that Mark Tagg, our Finance Director, attended a kick-off meeting of the Innovate UK funded ‘Digitising Custom Build Project’ on the 21st April. This important project, which ...

Self and custom build in Spain ...


Although we have not undertaken any formal visits to Spain to identify good practice, one of our team recently spent three weeks touring the country and while there picked up ...

Self build feature on BBC News ...


Last Friday, BBC News aired an interesting piece on how more people are self building their own homes in order to get on the property ladder. I was asked to contribute ...

Our networking event at the Homebuilding & Renovating Show ...


It’s very rare for so many companies from the self build and renovation industries to be in one place at the same time and, so, we thought it would be ...