The solution to affordable housing ...


This morning, on BBC Radio York, presenter Jonathan Cowap is asking “Why is there such a lack of affordable homes in the UK?” Later, just after 11.30am today, I will ...

Targets for the Technical Working group ...


NaCSBA’s Technical Working Group has decided on its primary objectives moving forward. The custom build policy agenda should be split into different sections to reflect the work that we are ...

The Netherlands and northern Germany ...


The NaCSBA research team completed its second major overseas study trip at the end of February, visiting a range of councils and pioneering projects across the Netherlands and northern Germany. ...

Our Right to Build Consumer Survey: The Results ...


The results of our Right to Build Consumer Survey are now available. A consultation on the Right to Build legislation was instigated by the Government and subsequently run by the ...

ITV’s ‘Britain’s Housing Crisis: Tonight’ ...


I’ll be appearing on ITV’s ‘Tonight’ programme – Britain’s Housing Crisis: Tonight –  on Thursday 5th March at 7.30pm, talking about the ‘Housing Crisis’ and how self build and custom ...

Changes to CDM Regulations ...


The Construction [Design and Management] (CDM) Regulations 2007 have been superseded with CDM 2015 due to come into force on 6 April 2015. These changes will bring self and custom ...

Lenders and developers attend custom build meeting ...


A custom build meeting for lenders and developers, led by the Building Societies Association (BSA) on the 10th February, allowed lenders to understand developers’ immediate plans for the provision of ...

Update on the aims of the Custom Build Working Group ...


I thought I’d update you with some of the Custom Build Working Group’s movements. One of the main challenges it to tackle the definition of ‘custom build’ as although we’re ...

Forthcoming Custom Build Finance Summit ...


To tackle some of the financial issues surrounding the custom build sector, a Custom Build Finance Summit – led by Legal & General and BuildStore – will take place on ...

Meeting people keen to build in a group ...


  As part of NaCSBA’s Collective Custom Build Working Group, the team and I have been meeting people who are keen to build in a group and other researchers who ...