
Right to Build Day marks the best year for custom ...


Right to Build Day marks the best year for custom and self build yet - check out the progress made in scaling up the sector, which NaCSBA has helped deliver ...

Top engineers call for government to reconsider demolishing buildings over ...


Sally Tagg, the Right to Build Task Force's new Acting Head, brings an update of activity, including the future range of masterclasses ...

Industry responds to the Bacon Review ...


Key players in the custom and self build sector have responded to the Bacon Review warmly, spelling out the role the recommendations will have in scaling up ...

Custom Build Homes responds to the Bacon Review – “the ...


Responding to the publication of the Bacon Review recently, Custom Build Homes (CBH) welcomes the report by Richard Bacon MP, saying that, if fully implemented by the Government, it will ...

Richard Bacon’s Review of Custom and Self Build identifies missing ...


Recommendations for growth In his review Richard gives a detailed overview of the sector, drawing on activity in both the UK and from abroad. He evidences the benefits of a ...

NSBRC Survey offers valuable insight into those with a project ...


NaCSBA partnered with the National Self Build and Renovation Centre in a recent survey of its users that provide valuable insight into the sector ...

Call for SME housebuilders to play greater role in delivery ...


The Centre for Policy Studies has published The Housing Guarantee report calling for SME housebuilders to play a far greater role in housing, helping to boost housing delivery rather than housing ...

Dissertation: how local authority practice can support housing diversity ...


A new dissertation reviews how local authority practice can support housing diversity, including custom and self build and community led housing ...